National Diabetes Week For Me?

This time two years ago, National Diabetes Week was not on my radar. I didn’t know it existed, I didn’t really know what diabetes was and I didn’t know anyone who was living with diabetes.

Having a child diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes has been a life altering event for our family. It has changed our world so profoundly that it is very difficult to explain to others in a way that justifies what is involved every day and our commitment to helping our daughter and to the condition.

National Diabetes Week for me now, two years later, is a time to celebrate my daughter and our family, recognise the difficulties we have faced and obstacles we have overcome. Since October 2017, Type 1 Diabetes has caused many sleepless nights, tears, frustrations, nerves, mistakes and questions but it has also resulted in laughter, cuddles, conversations, happiness, wins and a greater understanding of what matters.

Personally, National Diabetes Week is not just about spreading the message of T1D signs and symptoms because this type of educational message is important. For me however, it is also about recognising and congratulating those who live with this condition every day and the people who support them.

I want to applaud the effort, bravery and commitment those living with the condition contribute every day to manage this condition and I celebrate your achievements and your stumbles.  I tip my hat and acknowledge the parents and carers supporting loved ones because it is not an easy path for you either.

To the wonderful health care teams working collaboratively with patients, please continue to do so in a positive and communicative manner. We need support and understanding, not just a diagnosis.

National Diabetes Week kicks off today and runs from 14-20 July 2019 and for me, I will be celebrating the achievements of around 130,000 Australians living with Type 1 Diabetes and their families.







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